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What we see and touch, that we call «Nature», is a physical way, a form, of the Existence (the existence in its generality).
But the exercising thought also is physical in a certain way, because we can watch its displaying in the physical level of the Existence and thus becoming itself available to be determined in its interactions.
However, thought, while not an exercise and just as a CONDITION, I mean: considered as a simple possibility of happening, meaning and knowledge, is not available to be pointed out because it lies in a quite different level of the Existence, which is a non-quantifiable level, not physical anymore just like I am physical and being experienced just in an inner (subjective) way.

The true objectivity is purely subjective: that one which is not findable in the natural level because this level is submitted to the time and time cannot assure the immutable permanency that characterizes a true reality – because the true objectivity is the true being and a true being cannot be a reality which seems to be a reality now, but will change and thus will be not exactly the same anymore in the subsequent moments of its own existence and inside the history (which is the referential of its relationship), belonging to it (ontologically, a reality is a true reality just when it can guarantee its permanency in an immutable way and that is the true objectivity also).
So, we can find how and why philosophy yet is necessary to guide well a natural rationality towards the Light and the true knowledge, as the established/official can't do it.
This science believes that what it watches and measures is the true reality, forgetting that Nature is not an immutable permanency and then cannot be considered truly real as a definite thing, but just a constantly transitory reality, so a false, an apparent, reality, mutable and an illusion such as all mutable things are.

The true science will be that one which will be capable to see just with the mind and not the eyes and capable to hear what one sees and see what one hears – and that's why we can read inside the booklet of Jarrett' Sun Bear Concerts of 1976 the sentence: «think of your ears as eyes» (this would be the pure mental capability to transmute a sound into a light frequency in its major meaning, then and thus making to grow up and to develop itself into a new direction all the mental capabilities in general taken and the mental faculty of the Imagination in its particular).
As relative consciousness that we are, we are not capable, we are not able, to determine a true objectivity (reality); only an Absolute Consciousness can do it – and, of course: in another Nature, meaning a different kind of existence.

We have to grow up and grow up, becoming ourselves better in our rational capabilities and also, or above all, better in a moral way. Because the superior rationality is that one that can be CREATIVE; and to be «creative», it cannot be immoral, as creativity only concerns a positive and not negative exercise of the mental capabilities.

So, the rationality of an immoral consciousness can be scientific, but not creative. Can understand and do things well, but cannot create new and absolutely unique, genuine, realities. Can re-create things and realities, but not necessary to be a generator of new realities.
