I've watched yesterday a video here on death penalty in USA.

Those death row guards are everything but normal persons.

That judge who signs death sentences is everything but a person.

Besides, all of them talked about their professional activity in a cynical way: a way of who is protected and safe. As if what they do has to be done just as a normal consequence of a process... .


And if a person who killed many others with no reasons neither mercy maybe (?) deserve be sentenced to death, what to say about a kind of a judge like that or those employees of a penal system? Do not deserve themselves to be sentenced to death by their turns, too?!?

Those people, both executors and sentenced (...truly proven guilty), should be banished not only from life, but also and even from Existence. Because both are so ugly! So obscene! Being nothing else but the two faces of a same coin.

Human history, on Earth, definitely is disgusting.

Ancient Bible’s gods had their fair reasons... .


The Omnipotence created Nature and le(f)t it submitted to own laws – and it had to be like that, in order to be a Creation and not a simple divine extension. But people who institute laws and people of Right in general, mainly the judges, convince themselves that they are gods... on Earth.


The superior society is that one where each citizen judges the own actions and punishes themselves by himself, according Friedrich Nietzsche («The Dawn»).

And, of course: because has taken participation in the institution of common laws, I add it.

