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                                                      (On The Origin of the Natural Reality)

The space is commonly conceived as a medium and that is the (main intellectual) problem.

Because space is not a medium; just a CONSEQUENCE.

But a consequence of what?

It is a consequence of... the relation(ship).

When someone has just one reality, then one cannot find (out) any relation(s) there.

But when one gets two realities at least, then a relation can raises up from there and the space thus happens, in order to separate, to distinguish, both realities.

So: the questions are:

1. Why a single reality became itself two in a first moment – and after that, becoming three, four, and so on;

2. How it became itself two, three, four?

Is there, however a there with no where, where we can find (out) what nowadays we pretend to mean with the word «God».

The explanation for the natural process given by Hegel does not convince. And also science does not explain whatever could be.

Everything exists as a natural reality coming from the Absolute (and first or previously) reality: a reality with no space, no time and no relation at all, according the common understanding what a relation can be.

This is not new, as the cosmology after Hubble teaches that. Nevertheless... .

But more than that: everything, in every moment, comes from that previous unity of an absolute value – the Superforce, we might say: a force without any kind of quantity measurable, as its value overtakes everything and all rules and measures.

Even in the present, our bodies arise from that physical singularity of an absolute value, in terms of a quantity not measurable, once there is no available weighing-machine to quantify it in its essentiality (an essentiality as a singularity that it was/is).

The ultimate structure of our bodies, or the one of the Earth or of the Sun, even the most distant visible object in the physical universe, all those natural measurable realities emerge, each one doing it, as a projection, from that main, previous and singular absolute reality with no quantifiability.

That reality necessarily is, inevitably means, the whole of the knowledge, as it is capable to create a multiple reality, such as the natural one is, in its sophisticated complexity.

So: the (physical) fundament of all is... Thought. A Thought of an infinite value. As Thought, though being invisible and not measurable, is not unreal: it is the most real reality, as it values everything that cannot value itself.

It is the «fundament», as a CONDITION that it is: a condition... to think – and a condition of happenings.

Maybe one may say, on it, that it is... God. I don't. Because, in philosophic terms, I just can call it as an absolute of consciousness, with no moral attributes, with no relation to the Good, once the Absolute is above all values and relations, just as an absolute that it is.


19th June of 2013.