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An ingenuous creature always supposes that the Existence shall be the objectivity. The objectivity of the physical world, that is to say. Because we can speak on an objectivity of the conceptions of the mind (an ideal objectivity), in other hand... .

But the objectivity that the creature announces is an external objectivity, which is, however, the objectivity of the own, the objectivity that his or her senses sign. And the senses data are no more than a building of the subjective structure, according its ways to compose a reality: the time and the space (but time and space do not exist previously; just as consequences of the RELATION in general). As they undoubtedly are not realities outside and beyond, at least in a certain way of perceiving and understanding them.

An objectivity "in the time" is just an illusion of reality, as time goes by all the time and things do not stay there for so long as things that they seemed to be before.

The Existence has not a measure, a shape — and a definitive presentation. Is wider and more variegate than one can suppose. Having, as its principle, a maximum of force (i.e.: a superforce), which is an absolute of consciousness.

The first moment, in the Existence, is not when anything gets the independent (I mean: the objective) existence that it seems to have (are we, the subjects, who think, who SUPPOSE, that it happens like that...), but the moment in which our consciousness becomes conscious of any existence, even itself. And a consciousness is nothing but an instance where Thought exercises its potentiality. Yes, it's necessary to be ABLE to do anything, in order to do it. And Thought needs to be a force, just to get consciousness on anything.

We need to use several forces, to see whatever we can see, for instance. So: a subsidiary force to receive the light; a force to focus the eyes, which is combined, due to its playing with stereoscopy, as we have and use two eyes and not just one; a facial force (muscles) to add to focus them; and at the end of the consideration, a force to congregate all information, which gives syntax to those data, unifying them in a coherent (rational) speech.

So, there's a force of forces at last (or soon in the beginning of the processes), giving the maximum of unification, the whole of the syntax, to the variety which gives material to the speech of any consciousness.

The objectivity that we measure and quantify is not independent of those measurements and quantifications. Not independent of the subject. And owes its existence to the Force which is able to get consciousness on anything: the main and supreme force of the existence that surrounds us for everywhere – and that infuses us as conscious beings that we are. Having, besides, as its principle, a maximum of the potentiality that any force has, thus being a superforce, which finally is and absolute of consciousness.