Elon Musk

Elon Musk



On Elon Musk'(s) supposed "geniality" :

__ Be economic and financially "well succeeded" does not mean to be "intelligent" and less "genial". Not necessary are synonymous.

What makes Musk's merit is his enterprising diversification and the hard invisible work(s) of his COLLABORATORS and his INVESTIGATORS above all. Mainly in closest solar system travels.

However, in future COSMIC journeys one may consider to leave out what I usually call "the technology of boom bang", trying to find, instead, a new way of cosmic locomotion, if that kind of motion really could seem to be quite similar to those motions we can test, check, feel and find out here, on Earth, just from these point of view and sensorial experience that we face everyday on Earth planet.

Only then and thus Musk's collaborators could deserve the "genius" status and reach out to creator condition, recovering the path of 'ancient gods'.

But they aren't ! Those movements on Earth...

Going from Earth to Mars in months is not great. Indeed it is (very) PRIMITIVE and old-fashioned.

One needs to leave out "inertial propulsion" and "technology of explosion". That is so... antique !

Nevertheless, find out another way of locomotion has to do or deals with a conceptual revolution, as "space" and "time", in their own essences and properties, are not what terrestrial human (sensorial) experiences make all of us believe and finally assume to be.
