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Prisoners for more than a decade (!) were executed as trophies in the so called «Indonesia» — just to serve as advice to drug cartels and traffickers. Hence, the quite obscene publicity that they gave to that case.

Those policies and official behaviors were assumed in a total impunity – as usual. And it was like that through all the times and wherever we can point out them.

One can easily try to imagine the psychological suffering of those prisoners along these years. The permanent threatening of a sentence to the death while in prison.

Drug traffickers?
But humans. And even they were inferior animals... .

That official behavior was coward. Maybe they felt themselves like a kind of heroes, cleaning up Earth from those criminals.

Brazil considered itself «outraged» in this process, as the face of the publicity given to the case were a Brazilian man all the time, chosen as a label with a visible front.

Indonesia State is lucky because we keep on living in a world with no common authority above all suspicion, in order to give a final point to certain cases.

A general cannot keep on having the power that has to decide «in name of all society».

A judge cannot keep on having the power that has to judge a person or a group of them or to evaluate a situation alone.

A politician cannot keep on having the power to decide one way or another to go ahead along it with the society that governs.

A country cannot keep on having the power to do what freely intends to do in its interior.

We cannot keep on living under the thought that prays something like «this is mine and I do what I want to do inside my domain without any interference». Because we don't live alone.

Each one of us need the others to survive.

Couldn't get a job without who could give it.

Can't become rich without who could buy our goods or offered products.

Couldn't survive for so long without high technology.

And even we were strong enough to survive quite alone, as an eremite, our individual psychology would be affected in its normal functioning.

We are not alone to decide whatever we want to do inside our places. Besides, the real owner is Nature in the end of the consideration.

The times of dictators and chiefs are over.

We cannot keep on living in a planet where each State does what it wants to do inside, acting by default if we consider moral principles which compound a rational Right and not just a positive one.

It comes the time(s) to change Earth for better or worse. We have to decide. So, the participation of the citizens in the collective decisions has to be greater than it was until today.

We cannot continue to have a(n) UNO such as that one we have untill today, with no power enough to decide in matter of international relationship and common laws.

A humanity reaching the quantum physics, while lives in a way like that, is an absolute nonsense.
