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Mexican engineer Alberto Zecua guarantees that a significant asteroid will fall down over the Atlantic Ocean close to Puerto Rico.

Other gossips concerning the subject tell that it will happen close to the central and eastern Atlantic islands, such as Madeira and Canarias archipelagos, mainly this last one.

Officially, there is no advices.

Zecua alleged to have had alien contacts for more than four decades. Thus, they gave him many info’s and some knowledge. He was not «authorized» to talk about them until today, or unless now.

We can check it through... .

But one has to understand Spanish to listen to him.

There are several contradictions and a few nonsenses (...) in Zecua’ speech. But some other (crucial) points (...) coincide with Valery Uvarov (*) confidences (...) on the subject. And Uvarov is a credible (and official!) Russian investigator in UFO domain, not just someone else.

That supposed fact (the asteroid falling) would provoke giant successive waves that would reach all the Atlantic coasts more or less: the western Africa’s low coasts; Amazonia; all Caribbean low islands and the low coasts of Central and North America (New York and Florida would be attained above all); the invasion of Panama Channel, which would indirectly affect the Pacific Ocean; London would be lightly flooded, as its geographical location, in the eastern coast of the island, would save it against a major bad effect; not necessarily the same with Neederlands, south Sweden and Denmark, although the British islands would defend them as a barrier, which would break the major force of the stream; western Italia and the downtowns of Marseille, Malaga, Valencia and Barcelona, such as others in Mediterranean sea, and all Algarve’s coast, would be also reached, the last one directly.

Well: we doubt about the altitude of the waves: 40 meters (131,23 feet) in Zecua’s words. Because he affirms that the asteroid will fall down with around 3 kms (1,86 miles) length. Although its metallic composition may interfere in the effects.

Besides, and we don’t know whether before or after, because he didn’t specify, he refers the explosion of Popocatepetl volcano within a lapse of few years. And here we have a real problem, in fact: as it is active now! And since more than a decade. The Maule, in Argentina, reveals a beginning of activity as well; and the highly dangerous Yellowstone, in the northwest of USA, shows that its magmatic bubble/bag climbed up inside the crust of Earth. So, all mountain ranges of Americas have significant magmatic activity under them at the present. And all weaknesses in the terrestrial crust then will manifest telluric activity according him.

UFO phenomenon is real, no doubts on that. And I’m also sure that it hides an unimaginable amazing reality based on a more than simple high technology.

Nevertheless, I think that the Past can be revisited, indeed. I mean: can be seen by any highly developed technological instruments, which we do not know and do not use yet. Once the Past happened already. But not the same with the Future – because future has several ways, as a medium of possibilities that it is! If not, then it would be not «the future» precisely.

[(*) For instance: Valery Uvarov refers a peculiar technology that extraterrestrials have in order to get all the information about anyone. It’s «a kind of hologram, which any human being has». The way to get it however is not convincing in Uvarov’s explanation: «they send a strong IDEA towards a human target and then they just wait for its echo». Zecua says that «each one has the own vibrational frequency, as if all humankind was a keyboard, each one being just a key»; and thus «aliens can get, through appropriated technological instrument, all data concerning each one, by catching that personal FREQUENCY, that they keep inside that instrument, which finally is able to localize a given person wherever he/she is. The Zecua’s explanation, being more passive than the Uvarov’s, however is a little bit more complete than the other.]
