When everybody dies, will be the judge of the own, feeling the acts practiced as the own acts. Because when dies, the private/particular consciousness gets freedom from natural chains and becomes greater, profounder. Then there is no escape, no subterfuge; everything is quite clear in its conscious panorama.
The Absolute Consciousness, that everybody calls «God» when speak English, will be absent in that self-judgment of the particular (or relative) consciousness. Because an Absolute Consciousness is just Creative. And a Creator, a truly real one, does not participate in the acts of the own Creation, in order to exist a difference between Creator and creatures. If not, then both would be just one – and would be only Creator (Absolute reality) or creature (relative reality).
Happens that a Creation is an act of Love. Because, in a real creation, the Creator gives all and the best that has to give. So couldn't judge anything. Once/As, having given all with an absolute Love, couldn't disapprove or repel this and approve that, benefiting one in prejudice of another. Besides, an Absolute Consciousness is the total knowledge – and a complete knowledge understand everything, everything accepting.
That's why is the owner who judges himself/herself.
Life is the way to get the good consciousness, scientifically – but in a moral way above all.
And when a singular relative consciousness finally gets a purely good (only pure) consciousness, becomes free to... become a Creator by its side.
That is the main objective of a private/particular/relative consciousness – and the target of the private existence.