There is no «life AFTER life».

We have just ONE life.

What we have, moreover, is our own EXISTENCE.

Life is life, existence is existence.

Your THOUGHT exists with no life: you cannot measure it, quantify it, but it is in function. It is REAL! More than the body, which becomes different from time to time.

Neverthless, your thought is always the SAME. Not that about what you can think out, or you can use it considering any subject or object of your personal thought.

About a car you cannot say: it lives. But: it works.

So the same with the mind/spirit/acting thought.

Thought ( general) is a CONDITION ( get knowledge), not an exercise.

The exercise of the Thought is the rationality, with all kind of ideas, conceptions, images and all elements which compose it.

Your body lives and exists as a life, but cannot think out on anything.

These specifications I clearly consecrated them in my personal thought.